Deteksi HIV / AIDs Dengan Pemeriksaan Viral Load Dan Pemeriksaan Penghitungan CD4 Cell
The incidence of cases of HIV / AIDS is still increasing, including in South Kalimantan, especially Banjarmasin, which has an incidence of cases of HIV / AIDS in 2018 totaling 181 people. The HIV virus attacks white blood cells (T-helper lymphocytes "CD4 +) and results in decreased human immunity. The viral load examination is used to measure the amount of HIV virus in the blood. Examination of CD4 cell counts are used to assess the level of immunity of people with HIV / AIDS. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the results of the viral load examination with the results of the examination of the number of CD4 cells in patients with HIV / AIDS. This research can provide scientific information as a reference to increase knowledge about HIV / AIDS and decrease the level of immunity of people with HIV / AIDS. This research also provides insight into how to find out initial information about the body's immunity against new sufferers. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with inclusion criteria. Samples are new outpatients, aged 20-50 years and have received VCT (Voluntary counseling and testing). Sample is an HIV / AIDS positive HIV patient by conducting an HIV rapid test. Determination of the sample was also seen from the exclusion criteria of HIV / AIDS sufferers who had received ARV drug therapy. This research was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach using quantitative analysis methods. Viral load examination uses the real time reverse transcriptase method - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Examination of CD4 cell numbers using the flowcytometry method with the Alere PIMA tool. Data were analyzed by Rank Spearman correlation test. The results of the Viral load in patients with HIV / AIDS in the adult age group showed 9,000 copies / ml and at the end 960,000 copies / ml. The results of the viral load test in adult patients at the end are higher than at the beginning. Examination Results of the number of CD4 cells in patients with HIV / AIDS in the adult age group showed 586 cells / ul and at the end of 11 cells / ul. Examination Results of CD4 cell counts for adult sufferers show lower end than at baseline. Indications of the results of the examination showed the higher the amount of viral load, the number of cells CD4 will be lower than patients with HIV / AIDS. The implication of this research is a recommendation of viral load examination for detection new patient. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between the results of the examination of viral load and the results of the examination of the number of CD4 cells in patients with HIV / AIDS.