(Study in Work Area of Balasklumprik Surabaya)

  • Denada Titi Siliwangi Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Imam Thohari Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Rusmiati Rusmiati Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya
Keywords: Home Condition, URI


The house is a physical structure or a building for shelter, where the environment is useful for phy sical and spiritual health and social conditions both for family and individual health. In the Klumprik urban areas are still found many locations that are close to each other, located in narrow alleys. Unqualified houses are mostly caused by ventilation, lighting, and density, as most homes are small and inhabited by 4 or more people. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of home conditions with the occurrence of URI disease in Balasklumprik Ward.The house is a physical structure or a building for shelter, where the environment is useful for phy sical and spiritual health and social conditions both for family and individual health. In the Klumprik urban areas are still found many locations that are close to each other, located in narrow alleys. Unqualified houses are mostly caused by ventilation, lighting, and density, as most homes are small and inhabited by 4 or more people. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of home conditions with the occurrence of URI disease in Balasklumprik Ward.This research is analytic because in this study the data obtained will be analyzed and tested statistically. The research was conducted in Klasrik Reply Village. Sample of this research is part of patient of URI and who is not patient of URI in Balasklumprik Ward. After the data collected then performend statistical analysis with Chi-Square test to determine therelationship between variables.The result showed that the correlation between the eligible house condition was 47,3 %, the ventilation fulfill requirement 48,4 %, the density of the occupant who fulfilled the requirement 47,3 %, the lighting fulfill the requirement 48,6 %, the temperature which fulfilled requirement 47,3 %, humidity fulfilling requirement 41,8 %.The conclusion of the Chi-Square test results is that there is a relationship between the house code, the ventilation, the density of the inhabitants of the house, the lighting, the temperature, and the humidity.
Keywords : Home Condition, URIHUBUNGAN KONDISI RUMAH DENGAN TERJADINYA PENYAKIT INFEKSI SALURAN PERNAFASAN AKUT (ISPA)(Studi di Wilayah Kerja Kelurahan Balasklumprik Kota Surabaya)Denada Titi Siliwangi1, Imam Thohari2, Rusmiati3
Rumah merupakan struktur fisik atau bangunan untuk tempat berlindung, dimana lingkungan berguna untuk kesehatan jasmani dan rohani serta keadaan sosialnya baik untuk kesehatan keluarga dam individu. Di wilayah Kelurahan Klumprik tersebut masih banyak ditemukan letak rumah yang saling berdempetan, terletak di gang-gang sempit. Rumah-rumah yang tidak memenuhi syarat yang sebagian besar disebabkan oleh ventilasi, pencahayaan, dan kepadatan penghuni, karena kebanyakan rumah berukuran kecil dan dihuni oleh 4 orang atau lebih. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi rumah dengan terjadinya penyakit ISPA di Kelurahan Balasklumprik.Penelitian ini bersifat analitik, penelitian ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Balas Klumprik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah sebagian dari penderita ISPA dan yang bukan pederita ISPA di Kelurahan Balas Kelumprik. Setelah data terkumpul maka dilakukan analisis statistik dengan uji Chi-Square untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antar variabel.Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara kondisi rumah yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 47,3 %, ventilasi yang memenuhi syarat 48,4 %, kepadatan penghuni rumah yang memenuhi syarat 47,3 %, pencahayaan yang memenuhi syarat 48,6 %, suhu yang memenuhi syarat47,3 %, kelembaban yang memenuhi syarat 41,8 %. Kesimpulan dari hasil uji Chi-Square yaitu ada hubungan antara kodisi rumah dengan penyakit ISPA, ventilasi rumah dengan penyakit ISPA, kepadatan penghuni rumah dengan penyakit ISPA, pencahayaan rumah dengan penyakit ISPA, suhu rumah dengan penyakit ISPA, dan kelembaban rumah dengan penyakit ISPA.
