The Effectiveness of Carrot Extracts (Daucus carota) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamb) as Natural preservatives for Meatballs

  • Dwi Agustiningsih Ministry of Health RI Health Polytechnix Kemenkes Surabaya
  • Umi Rahayu
  • Demes Nuramayanti
Keywords: natural preservative, extract carrots, extract sweet potato, organoleptic


The extracts of carrot and sweet potato contain β-karoten which can be used as natural preservatives which is secondary antioxidants that can hamper growth of microorganisms. Meatball is a product processed wet which can not last for long time, therefore to anticipate it Artificial preservatives are replaced with natural preservatives derived from carrots and sweet potato extract.

This research is experimental approachPost Test Only Control Group Design ”. This research consists of 42 samples with 6 sample with addition of carrot extracts, treatment 6 sample with addition of extract treatment of sweet potatoes, 2 samples for control, with 3 replication or repetition. The physical appearance of the assessment done by organoleptic.

The results obtained from this research show that on addition of carrot with a concentration of 7, 5 ml are stored at a temperature of 30C can last for 4 days. The addition of extracts of sweet potato with a concentration of 7, 5 ml are stored at a temperature of 30 C can last for 18 days while stored on 300C  can last for 4 days. Meatballs control can only last for 1 day at a temperature of 300C as for the storage temperature of 30 C storage can last for 7 days.

Conclusion of this research is to extract the carrots are more effective than sweet potato extracts as natural preservatives meatballs. Recommended for advanced examination is other researchers about plate total number for Meatball that has been added by the natural preservatives so it doesn't harm to consumers and still provide an advantage for producers.

