Parent's Actions in Handling Primary Stunting in Toddlers in Bendoagung Village, Trenggalek District
Parents' actions that have not been maximized in the primary treatment of stunting in toddlers can result in cognitive, motor, and language decline, short stature, and decreased learning achievement and capacity. The study aimed to identify parents' actions in the primary treatment of stunting in toddlers aged 6-24 months. Descriptive research design. The research sample was 25 parents of stunted toddlers in Bendoagung Village, Trenggalek Regency, who were taken using a total sampling technique. The research variable was the parents' actions in primary stunting treatment, collected by filling out a questionnaire. Descriptive analysis using frequency tables and narration. The results showed that most of the actions of parents (mothers) in the primary treatment of stunting were in the sufficient category (52%). The majority of mothers' efforts through exclusive breastfeeding are adequate (64%), fulfilling nutrition is in the excellent class (40%), and planning complementary foods is sufficient (48%). Efforts that parents can make in the primary treatment of stunting are through increasing parental knowledge about stunting, improving sanitation and drinking water sources, regular monitoring of body weight and height at Posyandu or health facilities, fulfilling nutrition in toddlers through exclusive breastfeeding and planning food menus appropriate companion to mother's milk. Parents are expected to be able to make some of these efforts to reduce the risk of stunting and its impact on the growth development and quality of life of children in the future.